Outstanding students in academic, sports and other fields are rewarded and motivated with awards and prizes. Special Prizes and Cash Awards are given using the Endowments instituted in this regard. Some of the Special prizes given to the Students are the following:
- Sri C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer Scholarship Prizes
- Sri Sadasiva Iyer Prizes
- Sri Vasudevachariar Scholarship Prizes
- Sri Alexander Samuel Scholarship Prize
- Sri Ganesan Scholarship Prize
- Sri G.T. Pandian Memorial Prize
- Tmt. Mangalammal Sivasambu Trust Prize
- Sri Narayanan Scholarship Prize
- Sri J. Jeyaraj Scholarship Prize
- Thiru. Vi. Ka. Memorial Cash Award
- Dr. Mohanraj Scholarship Cash Award
- Sri Manjeri & Alamelu Subramanian Endowment Scholarship Cash Award