Almighty and Everlasting Father, we praise you and glorify your Holy Name. We thank you Lord, for bringing us into the fellowship of this School and for giving us opportunity to study in this school.
We beseech you Dear Lord to be our teacher and guide, for in you is all knowledge and wisdom.
We ask you Dear Lord for your strength that we may not fear any evil and face our life with cheer and courage.
We beseech you Dear Father to bless our parents, fellow students, dear teachers and all those in the helm of authority that they may always do what is right.
Enable us, Oh Lord to cherish the ideal of our school and give you glory in all our thoughts, words and deeds. Make us your instruments of Love, Peace and Tranquility that we may lighten the dark world and to lead it to thy kingdom and sow peace wherever we are.
Help us, Oh Lord to find out the talents you have bestowed us with and to use them in the way you desire us to do.
So in order to glorify your Holy Name, we ask these in the name of our Redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ.
- Amen