Our School Uniform consists of Navy Blue Trousers, Half Sleeved White Shirts with School's Badge stitched on the Pocket, Belt, Black Shoes and Black Socks. Shirt to be tucked in.
We expect that the Students entrusted to our care will conduct themselves to the satisfaction of all concerned and leave the School after successful studies as God fearing young men, useful to themselves, their parents and their country.
The school authorities reserve the right to take appropriate disciplinary action against any one whose conduct is detrimental to the moral tone, discipline and educative atmosphere of the School.
Students shall attend the class regularly and punctually. Students are expected to keep the Class Rooms and School Premises clean and make use of the litter bins.
Care must be taken for all School Property. Damage done to buildings, furniture, library books, sports goods, etc must be paid for. Students are not permitted to have their lunch inside the class room.
Students should at all times show respect and deference to the School authorities and to the members of the Staff.
Every Student should bring the 'Hand Book' to the school on all working days. It contains all the detailed information regarding teaching and learning experience in the School.
The behaviour of students should be gentlemanly at all times and in all places, both inside and outside the School.
Mobile Phones, Pen Drives, i-Pods and Media Players, Periodicals, Books and CDs of low moral standards are not permitted inside the School. Organizing or collecting funds for any purpose without a written permission from the Headmaster is forbidden.
If any student is seen involved in any of the above or similar unacceptable activities, he will be charged under School Rules.