John Wesley, Founder of Methodist Mission

Rev. James Lynch, Founder of Wesley School in 1818 and the first Headmaster

Rev. Dr. Ebenezer Jenkins, Former Headmaster (1851-1867) and Founder of Wesley Arts College

Rev. Wlliam Burgess, Former Headmaster (1871-1875)

Rev. J. Cooling, Former Headmaster (1876-1889)and Former Principal, Wesley College

Sri S. Vasudevachariar, Former Headmaster (1895-1916)and Former Principal, Wesley College

Rev. H. Ashcroft, Former Headmaster (1916-1920 and 1921-1923)and Former Principal, Wesley College

Rev. J.E. Neill, Former Headmaster (1923-1927)and Former Principal, Wesley College

Rev. T.R. Foulger, Former Headmaster (1927-29 and 1932-37) and Founder of Meston College of Education

Some of the Books of Rev. J.S.M. Hooper, Former Headmaster and Former Principal, Wesley College

Sri KM Koshy, Former Headmaster (1951-1963)

Sri Frank S Doraiswamy, Former Headmaster (1963-1979)

Sri V Dipson Roy, Headmaster of the School from 2012
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