Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar (1879-1966) A great Statesman of India

Thamizh Thenral Thiru Vi Ka (1883-1953)Tamil Scholar, Orator and Social Reformer

Sir N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar (1882-1953)Former Union Minister for Transport, Railways and Defence during 1947-52

Rev. John Rathinam, a Pioneer who strived for the rights of people belonging to depressed class

Sri MC Rajah (1883-1943), a renowned national level leader who worked for the upliftment of people belonging to socially depressed class

Prof N. Sivaraj (1892-1964), Former Mayor of Corporation of Madras and Former Member of Parliament

Sri VT Titus (1919-2006), Eminent Educationist who served as Director of Public Instruction and Director of Collegiate Education, Chennai and as Vice Chancellor of Annamalai University

Sri Parithi Ilamvazhuthi (1959-2018), Former Minister of Govt of Tamil Nadu and Member of TN Legislative Assembly for six continuous Terms during 1984-2011

Hon'ble Justice Doraiswamy Raju, Former Judge of Supreme Court during 2000-2004

Sri V Baskaran Captain of Indian Hockey Team that won Gold Medal in Olympics, 1980 (Photo Courtesy : The Hindu)

Sri Krishnamurthy PerumalTwo time Olympic Bronze Medallist in Hockey (1968 and 1972)

Sri Balakumaran (1946-2018) Renowned Writer in Tamil and Novelist

Sri KN Venkataramanan, IAS (Retd.)

Sri Vinu Chakravarthi, Popular Film Actor

Sri Chinni Jayanth, Popular Film Actor
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